Do you spend regular time in the Word?

How can you hear from God if you don’t slow down long enough to listen to Him?

I have a pretty big question to ask you. 
Do you crave more?
And if you crave more in your life than you currently have, where are you looking for it? 
• In your job? 
• In your kids? 
• In your relationship?
• In your church?
Do you find yourself saying “If I can only get to  (fill in the blank with your goal), I’ll be in a much better place” 
If only I would to get that next raise or promotion…
If only I can get through the toddler years or teen years…
If only my spouse and I could see eye to eye, our marriage will be happier…
But think about this: 
While you are working towards your goal, how much time are you spending pursuing God? 
By reading your Bible, praying intentionally or digging deeper than the “catch phrase” Bible verses we see plastered all over social media? 

I want to challenge you to make a serious change, right now. To shift your priorities, put your “if only” goals to the side and focus instead on hearing what God has to say to you right now. Right where you are at!
My whole business is centered around bringing women just like you into a personal quiet time, so that you can deepen your relationship with the God who loves and created you!
No one can do it for you, but I can help you simplify, find a rhythm that works for you and help you understand what you are reading and hearing in God’s Word. 

Are you ready to take me up on the challenge? 

Here are some simple and actionable steps to help you make it happen:


Step 1: Gather your Bible, a notebook and a pen.

Step 2: Find a place in your house and a time of day where you can sit quietly and undisturbed for about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Make a “date” with God tomorrow and every day this week in that time and place. Leave your Bible and notebook there, so you are ready to go at date time! 

Step 4: Put your date with God on your calendar, set an alarm. Make it a priority.

Step 5: Print out one of my 3 free 30 day Bible reading calendars. Find them here

Step 6: When your alarm goes off, go to your place where you already have your Bible, journal, pen and 30-day reading plan and dig in! Read the passage for day 1, and write in your notebook what God is saying in that passage. 

Step 7: Before you end your date, say a prayer thanking God for meeting you in your quiet place. He’s there and is so happy to hear from you!

Are you ready to be more intentional in your pursuit of a relationship with God? 

I hope so! It sounds so cliche, but I’m telling you, your life will change. When you focus on hearing from Him, the other noises in life don’t seem quite as noisy. 

Psalm 62:1 says
 “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.” (NIV)

God tells us in His Word that our rest is in Him. Jesus Himself would seek out a quiet place to pray, so we need to follow His example. (Matthew 14:22-23) Seek Him out, show up for your date with Him and rest in His presence. You’ll be so happy you did!

If you are setting up a date with God, please reply to this email and tell me where and when. I’d love to hear!
It always helps when you know someone cares if you show up 
 God cares, and believe it or not, I do, too  

I can’t wait to hear all about your first date!

4 Responses

    1. That means so much coming from you!! You are one of my favorite people, so if this lifts you up in any way, it’s my honor to be a part of it. Thank you for being you ♥️