This afternoon, my husband and I took a long drive out in the country. We were only about 4-5 miles from our house, but I was struck by the number of trees I was seeing! Right now in WI, we are almost at the beautiful peak of the vibrant fall colors. As we drove and I noticed the bright red, orange, green and yellows of the landscape, I was startled by something I saw.
It was a HUGE tree. The trunk of this thing had to be about 6 feet across. It looked tall and stately…but it was laying on the ground, roots torn out below the ground, peeling the grass and soil right up along with it.
About a month ago, our area experienced a significant storm with tornadoes and straight-line winds. When this storm blew through, it grabbed this majestic, healthy, well-rooted tree and pulled it out of the ground.
Do you ever feel like that tree? You are in the Word, you are going along your life, grounded in your faith. You are feeling pretty good.
But then all of a sudden a straight-lined wind comes through your life and pulls you up from your roots. You lay there, toppled over with your roots exposed wondering what hit you?
The Bible says:
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9
When we are uprooted, it’s in these moments where we often look up and seek God in a more direct way. And in these moments, when our eyes are fixed on Him in hopelessness, we get to see His perfect power and grace!
The remnants of that storm will permanently alter the landscape where that tree once stood. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be bad.
It will look different and will take some time to get there, but that’s not the end.
While the tree leaves an emptiness where it once stood, I think it’s beautiful to imagine that God is opening up the landscape so we can now see the beautiful scenery that the tree kept us from seeing.
Thank you for meeting me here week after week. These posts are so much fun for me to write! I love reading the responses, so if you are reading this, I’d LOVE to hear from you in the comments below.
Reflection Questions
- Think through the last few years of your life. Were there any moments where you felt like that toppled tree? And were you able to see God’s power bringing you through that season?
- If you look back with a fresh perspective, can you see how God may have been working, even if it wasn’t obvious at the time?
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you may have noticed that Gathered & Sown has made a huge shift this year.
It’s been humbling yet exciting at the same time!
It was scary to make the shift when my business was so well established, but I made the decision to put my faith in the “front window” of Gathered & Sown.
God has blessed this business over the years, but it always felt like something missing. And I believe that “something” was sharing my faith in Jesus Christ with the people who support my business.
I went on facebook live to talk about that a few weeks ago, and I’d love for you to hear it! God was nudging me and I finally listened. It’s been wonderful and I can’t wait to share more of this huge shift with you! So stay tuned, I’ll be sending sneak previews to you before they go public!
Have a great week, friend!!
Many have asked what kind of pen I use when I do my scripture writing. I’ve added it to my shop with a fun little carrying case and other scripture writing essentials.
⬇️ Click on the picture to see more ⬇️