Any one who has ever parented or cared for little kids for any period of time can hear the words “Mom, come watch me!” or “Come look what I can do!”
We’d hear it over and over again. I remember reluctantly dropping what I was doing and dragging myself into the next room with a forced smile and watching my girls do whatever it was that they were excited about at that moment. But once I saw their joy, and once I heard the laughs and looked at their smiling faces, I no longer had to force the smile. It became a treasured memory to watch them do the little things they were so proud of.
Now my girls are much older. Now that they are in high school, I very rarely get asked to come and watch them do anything. As a matter of fact, they prefer to do most things without me watching!
But tonight, I was sitting in my room next to an open window and could hear my two girls laughing and talking in the driveway. I heard my younger daughter giving her older sister tips as they both worked to improve their longboarding skills. They were out there for at least a half an hour when I heard something that made me jump up in joy “Should I go get Mom so we can show her?”
WHAT!?!?! The words I used to dread are now music to my ears!!! I ran downstairs and was greeted by the same smiling faces. The same laughs. The two sisters who loved playing together when they were younger were having so much fun and wanted ME TO COME SEE IT!
They may be older, prettier and sassier, but they are still my girls. And I still think almost everything they do is awesome. And this little reminder tonight told me something about how God sees each one of us.
But the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love. Psalm 147:11
We are His children, and He loves us completely and unconditionally. He gave each one of us unique gifts that when used, glorify Him and build His Kingdom. While we shouldn’t boast in the good things we do, and we shouldn’t be prideful about our accomplishments, it is a wonderful thought to realize that God does take pleasure in you. He loves you even more than I love my daughters! He looks at you with even more love and excitement and joy than I get when I see what my girls are up to.
So next time you feel like no one is watching, or no one cares about the little things that you are doing, remember that the One who matters does care, and He is watching you with joy ♥️
Thanks for the reminder Angie! Fast pace Life tends to make us forget the little things that in future will be missed greatly.
Thanks for sharing this. I often forget that God is watching and listening. It doesn’t feel like it. These days I’m scared and worried for our future. But reading and being reminded that God is with us all the time really helped. So thanks again. Keep doing a wonderful job at what you do.
Debbie Kaisler