Do you ever pray, not knowing what to ask God for?

Or what happens when instead of answering your request, He gives you something else? Here is a hint: He knows better than you, and that’s a good thing!

I just got done looking at yet another thing that my 13 year old daughter wanted to show me on her phone. I had to get up from my computer, close my bible and walk in there. I was annoyed, because I was in the middle of something, and it seems like one of my kids calls me at least once every 2 1/2 minutes.

All. Day. Long.

She showed it to me,  I said “oh yeah, that’s nice” and I walked back in here to get to work. When I sat down to write this post a few minutes later, God put something in my head that I just couldn’t ignore. So I’m going to share it with you today ❤️

How can I get annoyed with my girls when I get a vivid flashback of a summer morning about 14 1/2 years ago.  I sat in a dim and sterile changing room in the radiology department during a routine new pregnancy checkup.  I was only about 6 weeks pregnant but had just gotten news that my baby wasn’t viable.

I was crushed, alone and didn’t know how to take the news. I sat there on this little bench wearing a paper gown, quietly crying out to God, asking Him why this had to happen to me, to MY baby. I didn’t even know what to say, or what to ask for, I just cried and prayed.

I had no idea while I was sitting in that room that God had big plans for my tiny little embryo, Audrey. That just because I had gotten this terrible news did NOT mean that He was done with her.

A few weeks later, I was waiting at home to pass the baby naturally, but it wasn’t happening. My heart hurt, I had my daughter Chloe to take care of and I couldn’t take the waiting in agony any longer. So I reluctantly called my doctor to make an appointment to have a D & C. When I got to the office that day for the procedure, I had no idea what God had planned.

Through a long and twisted story, it turned out that my Audrey was a twin. And while the twin wasn’t viable, Audrey was hiding in there, away from the views of the ultrasound tech. I had never in a million years thought to ask God to save a baby that I thought was lost, or even more, thought to ask Him to hide another one in there! 

But there she was, little embryo Audrey, healthy and boasting a strong heartbeat as if nothing had ever happened. It was one of the most unbelievable and unexpected moments I have ever experienced in my life.

 And to God goes all of the glory!!

“But seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”

Matthew 6:33

All of these things.

What does that even mean?

Romans 8:26-28 tells us…
”In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Even when we don’t know how to pray or what we need, we can rest in the assurance that God already does. We don’t have to have the words to say to Him, we just need to give Him our hearts. 

God gives us all of the things that we don’t even know that we need, because He knows so much better than we ever could! He searches our hearts, works for our good and gives to us according to His will. So we can know with assurance that what He gives is so much better than what we ever thought we could ask for!

When I look at the faces of both of my girls, I know that they are so much more than I deserve. When I realize that at one point I mourned the child that I can now hold (and even get annoyed with!) I praise God for having bigger plans for her and her sister than I could have ever dreamed or asked for!!!

I know that not every story in our lives have a happy ending like this one, but know that God is working on your behalf. Not all of my own stories have happy endings, but through even the most difficult circumstances I can see (sometimes years later) how God was working on my behalf, even in the midst of heartbreak, pain, and trials. But He somehow always gives me something new to praise Him for ❤️

I don’t know where you are right now, but pray with your heart. Reach out to the God who knows you, loves you and only wants His best for you.  “…He who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…” is there, ready to hear your voice. And He will give you exactly what you need, when you need it, in His perfect timing.

Have a wonderful week, friend!!!

Much love,


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