Ugh. Can I have a mothers day do-over? This morning started out ok, but by the time church ended this morning, my kids were fighting, my husband and I were at our wits end with them, and it all culminated with them arguing in the commons area at church, me asking them to stop and finally me declaring “that’s it. Let’s skip lunch and just go home” I promptly turned around, and like a big baby not getting her way, I walked out of church, angry, annoyed and putting on a fake smile while the friendly greeters passed me a beautiful pink flower with a “Happy Mothers day!” declaration.
In that moment I felt like such a fool and such a hypocrite. I wondered WHY there had to be a day where the world calls attention to the one part of my life where I feel like I consistently fail.
Being someones Mom.
I may have failed this morning in putting on my “church face” and pretending that everything was ok. I may sometimes fail at enforcing healthy habits, or saying the right thing at the right time when they need direction. But there is one BIG God-given job that we as parents are given, and one that we simply MUST NOT fail at. And this is where God is really speaking to my heart this Mothers Day:
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
What is more important than sharing our faith with our kids? And how do we do that in the day to day craziness of raising them to be functional and responsible human beings?
I believe that it begins with cultivating our own faith, and investing in our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Think of it like that little talk you get when you get on an airplane. In the event of a drop in pressure, you are supposed to first put on your own mask so that you can then be well enough to help those around you.
How can we share the why’s and how’s of what our faith means to us in a meaningful and relevant way if we ourselves don’t know God in a personal way?
We need to spend time with God and in His Word so that we can recognize His voice in the world around us. When we know God and who He is, we can clearly see Him at work in our lives. And when we see Him active and present in our day to day lives, we can then easily explain why our faith is so important to those who are listening to us. What we believe will ooze into the daily conversations we have with our kids and those people that God has placed around us.
God’s name will pop up in conversations like we are talking about a close, personal friend. Because we are!
And as your children grow and learn, these moments and conversations will be imprinted on their hearts.
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6
There are no guarantees in life, and there are no guarantees that anything you say or do will make your children see the truth. God gave each of us a free will to make decisions for ourselves.
But this is your role. As their parent, you love them unconditionally, you teach them the truth and you pray for them as they begin to see the world through their own eyes. You pray that God take those tiny seeds that are planted over the years and grow them into men and women who love Him and accept the gift that He offers. As they learn and grow and you watch them make mistakes (and you make them as well!) you remember one thing. Eternity is eternal. Today is here and gone in a blink. We invest in eternity by growing our own faith and sharing it with our children.
I may not get a Mothers day do-over, and that’s ok. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I’ll make plenty of mistakes tomorrow, but I’ll remember what God shared with me today from His Word. I’ll show my girls who God is and pray that they see Him active in their lives, too.
I’ll bring my girls to church where they can experience worship with people who are all in. Even if they complain and get distracted, I pray that seeds of truth are planted. ..that their hearts are softened as they experience God’s people and see how alive and active He is in that place. A safe place for them to sort out their own feelings about what it all means while surrounding them with people who model God’s love in a beautiful act of worship.
And in the quiet moments, when no one is watching, I’ll read my Bible. I’ll spend time with God and get to know Him. I’ll ask Him to mold me and shape me into someone who can do what He is asking me to do. I’ll pray that I don’t allow my human side interfere with the work God is up to in the people He has chosen to surround me with. That He will use me in a way that reflects His goodness and His love.
There will be more Sunday’s like this, and that’s ok. If you are struggling today for any reason, just remember that we are a work in progress. God is using you to build His kingdom, but He’s also still working on you. Allow yourself to accept a little grace. We’re all in this together, friend!!
Who are you investing in right now?
(Even if you aren’t a parent, God has placed people around you. Your role is just as important!)
And where are your struggles with that? Let’s talk about that in the comments below…
Bible Journaling Prompts
Apply what you’ve learned
***If you are new to Gathered & Sown and Bible journaling, watch this short video first***
♡As Mothers (or grandmothers, aunts, mentors) God has given us these children as a gift to be invested into. This week, read and journal the following passages about the responsibilities we have when caring for these precious people, both young and old.
- Titus 2:2-8
- Colossians 3:1-21
- Ephesians 6:10-20
- Hebrews 12:4-11
- Matthew 6:33-34
- Philippians 4:4-9
- Deuteronomy 6:4-6
♡ In your journal, write down your thoughts on where you are at now in your relationship with Jesus after reading today’s devotion. In what areas do you need work? In what areas do you feel like you are doing well? We can all learn and grow from holding ourselves accountable for the time we spend with God. After all, no one else can do it for us. We need to make a time investment on our own ♥️ ♡ Want to find a simple way to make Bible study a part of your everyday routine? Check here, where I lay out 7 simple steps to daily personal Bible study.
Thank you for the reminder to give myself grace.. ❤️