Have you ever heard the term “Silence is deafening?”

It’s sort of strange if you think about it. Loud noises, lots of chatter…all of these things can at the very least give me a headache, but if raised loud enough, could actually make my ears ring and cause hearing damage. But has anyone lost their sense of hearing from silence? 

These past few weeks, I’ve taken a giant step back from both my ministry and my business. God’s been working on my heart and in this case, my ability to hear Him was being deafened by noise. My work, my weekly blog posts, tech updates, promoting products, preparing launches…all of these things were taking me further and further from God and my family. And I didn’t even recognize it until I slowly began to realize that I was losing control of even the simplest things in my life.

God was talking, and He was talking loudly to me. My kids were talking and asking me for attention, but I was too busy to notice. And today as I write this, I’m telling you…

I wish God didn’t have to work so hard to get me to pay attention!

I knew that I had to stop. I had to turn off. I had to still myself to hear from Him. And it hasn’t been easy! I’m learning that the silence is indeed deafening. When I turn off all of the noise, let go of the focus on my business and ministry, I’m not left with much to occupy my mind. Instead of hopping on my laptop to update my website or respond to customer requests, I’m alone in my kitchen or workroom. Thinking. Spending time in my own head, and it can be a scary place indeed!

And the quietness outside has made the thoughts in my head so much louder and clearer.

 Without all of the noise, I’m left to deal with the things that God has likely been trying to tell me, but have been too busy to hear. 

In the silence, I’m seeing a lot of things about myself that I’d prefer to not see. I’ve been crying more than I have in years. I’ve been talking to God more. But still, even in the silence, I’m still not quite sure what God is saying to me. 

The words of Proverbs 3:6 are really being put to test in my world right now: 

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

While I was in His Word often and seeking Him in (most!!) everything I was doing, at the core of it all, I had somehow lost focus on Him and what He was doing in MY life. Was I acknowledging Him in all of my ways? Nope. I had conveniently trusted Him with the big things, but had forgotten that He also needs the little things. Because some days, even those are too big for us to handle!

In our culture, we have this sense that we need to have constant control. The busier we look, the more successful we will become. Being still and quiet are things (that I believe) our society looks down upon. But as women of God, I think that we all need to challenge ourselves to find what it is that is hogging our attention and turn it off for some time. 

We need to consciously lay down those idols and kneel at the feet of our Savior. 

We need to pull back so that we can reconnect with Him.

Friends, this is where I’m at. It’s not a bad place. 

Is there uncertainty? Of course! But I’m trying to listen in the silence so that I can understand what God wants me to hear. I believe He can use this time where I’m quiet to show me the things I’ve been to busy to see. And I think that pulling back from the things that stole my brain space has opened up a place for God to do His work in me, and I’m excited about that!

Is there something that you need to pull back from? Is there something in your life right now that is distracting you from hearing your own thoughts? 

Whatever that is, I want to challenge you to day to lay it down. Turn it off. Fast from it for a little bit. 

Whatever that thing is, it is different for all of us. Pray and ask God to show you what that thing is for you, and then offer it right back to Him. 

And then act on it. 

I wake up every day and when I have a free minute, I have to talk myself out of grabbing my laptop and working. So it’s not always easy to submit to the thing that is pulling you. It’s a decision you’ll have to make each day as you go through the process. But it will be worth it, I promise!

John 10:10 tells us:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

What is your thief? Give it to Him. God has big plans for you, but it will be hard for you to follow His promptings if you are too busy and distracted to hear from Him. 

I’m not 100% ready to come back yet. This process isn’t over for me. A lot of things in my life are changing and will continue to change. But the message I had about how this is changing my heart was something I really had to share with you all! I’m so anxious to hear if you have a similar experience.

Type the words “I found my thief” in the comments section… 

They are found at the very bottom of this post, (below your homework!) if you know what is causing too much noise in your life. 

Don’t share what your thief is, that’s personal. But I want us to all see that we aren’t alone. Seeing the others who are in the same place as you can give you the confidence to step out in faith and tackle your personal thief on your own. 

Are you ready to hear the silence?

John 10_10

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Your homework…

Apply what you’ve learned

***If you are new to Gathered & Sown and Bible journaling, watch this short video first***
♡ Think about your thief.
What in your life threatens to take up more brain space than it should? What is distracting you from the important things, like your family, your job or your time with God?

This week, take some time each day to look up one of the following scripture passages. Read the entire chapter around the verses and journal about what God is saying in the passage. 

  1. Matthew 11:28-30
  2. 1 Peter 5:7
  3. Psalm 46:10
  4. Ecclesiastes 3:1-22
  5.  Luke 10:38-42
  6.  Matthew 6:33-34
  7.  Psalm 37:7

Once you discover what your thief or thieves are, write them down in your journal. This is a safe place for you to acknowledge what it is that is stealing your joy and robbing you of what’s important.   ♡ Brainstorm how you can turn off the distractions and open up your heart to focus on what’s important, even if it’s difficult to deal with. Sometimes we push things down so deep because it’s too hard to just deal with it! Use this time to talk to God about the things you’ve pushed down and are too afraid to deal with. Allow Him into those dark spaces in your heart and begin to heal from them  

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