We all have those moments in our lives where we say “Ah-HA!!”, where all of a sudden it becomes almost crystal clear that God is speaking something into your life. He might be asking you to try something that you don’t think you can do. He might be asking you to give up something you love. Or He just might remind you that you are living wonderfully in His will for your life.

And as wonderful as these seasons can be, we also find ourselves in seasons where we struggle to see God’s purpose for us. And while as Christians we understand that God is there, and that He is in control, we can find ourselves feeling a little out of sorts, almost restless as we try to discern where He would like us to be.

And if you are anything like me, the more distance I let come between myself and intentional quiet time with my Savior, the more difficult the struggle becomes. And then the busyness sets in…Busyness in the form of an imperfect person who has become restless, and attempts to fill that void by “fixing” the problems for myself.

And why is that? Because…

I forgot that God is the pilot in my life. And that I, as an inexperienced pilot, stupidly grabbed the controls from His hands and tried to fly my life by myself.

I’m in a season right now where God has made it painfully obvious that I’ve been crowding Him out of my life with busyness. Not that I’m doing bad things with my time. In fact, many of the things that I’m doing are WONDERFUL! But they aren’t necessarily what God has been asking me to do. But I’m taking some time to get in the Word, pray and focus to see exactly what God wants me to do with my time.

With His endless patience and mercy, God has shown me where I am falling short. He has closed some doors that I fought to keep open. He has told me “No” through people when I wanted to hear “Yes”. 

I’m slowly learning that His no is better than any yes I was hoping for, because He sees the whole picture. He is showing me that things will be so much easier if I allow HIM to be in control.  I’m learning to look up and once again ask Him how I can do whatever it is that He would like me to do.

I’ve decided that I’m going to start intentionally seeking Gods will for my business and my life. I’m not sure what that looks like yet, but I do know that..


” God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”  

 2 Corinthians 9:8

This means that God is ready and willing to help us with whatever He is asking us to do. How wonderful is that?!?!?

He also promises me that He is able to do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within me” (from Ephesians 3:30) So when doubt creeps in, and you find yourself doubting that you can do what God is nudging you to do, remember that we don’t do these things by our own power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, who is working right along with us.


I know that with a little faith, and a lot of trust, God will get me to where HE wants me to be, which is far better than where I think I need to go.

I invite you all to join me. If you are feeling like you struggle with allowing God to take control, I’m with you. Through prayer and studying His Word, we can learn to hear what He is telling us, and recognize when He is nudging us to either take action, or let something go. It’s not always easy, but when we make a decision to seek God’s will for our lives, and then take action to deliberately follow Him, we can watch His plan unfold for us. How amazing is that?!?!

Bible Journaling Prompts

Apply what you’ve learned

***If you are new to Gathered & Sown and Bible journaling, watch this short video first***
♡ We spend a lot of time on this blog focusing on where God is leading us. That’s because having our eyes on Him is the most important thing we can be doing! When we try to do things on our own, or start to think that we can do something apart from Him, we will quickly learn our own limitations. God has given you gifts and a purpose to use you for His Kingdom. This week, spend some time journaling about these passages which talk about how to stay focused on God and why.

  1. Philippians 1:22-25
  2. Hebrews 12:1-3
  3. Colossians 3:1-4
  4.  Romans 11:33
  5.  Ephesians 2:4-10
  6.  1 Corinthians 12
  7.  1 Peter 4:7-11

 ♡ Consider your prayer life for a few minutes this week.

   ♡ Do you sometimes feel like your life is falling apart around you? I talk about that in this post.

♡ Are your own thoughts so loud that they are drowning out the voice of God in your life?Let’s talk about that!



Keep the conversation going

I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below

3 Responses

  1. I’m a work in progress. I’ve been struggling with family issues and I’m praying God where are you , why haven’t you heard my prayers. I know he does hear all my prayers . My thing I’m working on is wait upon the Lord it’s in his time not mine. So I’m doing a lot if soul searching and praying.

  2. I just have to remember to trust in God no matter what the issue. Trust and obey. There’s no other way. Thanks for the great message Ang!

  3. We were just talking about prayer today in church. I definitely like things are extremely chaotic and I have difficulty finding Him in the midst even though I know He is right here with me.