I have a problem. A SERIOUS chocolate problem. Put me in a room with a plate of cookies or a dark chocolate bar, only one of us is leaving that room. I crave chocolate, I savor it. I take tiny bites when I eat it so that I can enjoy the bittersweet flavor for as long as possible. When I eat a good piece of chocolate, it actually makes me happy! 

So what’s the problem? Today after lunch, I went to the kitchen cabinet that holds my little stash of chocolate. And it’s empty! There are peppermints, gum, cough drops (eww!) candles, napkins, vitamins…pretty much everything is in there….except for my chocolate!

I inadvertently let my little stash of happiness run out!

So this afternoon, I found myself endlessly grazing, trying to satisfy that sweet after-dinner craving. But nothing would satisfy it. The more sweets I ate, the more I found myself frustrated that I wasn’t getting the one and only sweet that my mind was craving so much. 

Before long, I was frustrated with myself for pigging out on things that I didn’t even want. What was the point? 

How could I let a delicious little brown square have such a hold on me? 

This whole incident really got me thinking about something. 

How often do we binge and purge on things that we don’t even want instead of satisfying our craving for time with Jesus? 

“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. 

He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty” 

John 6:35

Several times in the Bible, our need for God is compared to a hunger or a thirst. When we are hungry or thirsty, it can distract us from things around us. It’s hard to focus when our bellies rumble or our mouth is dry.  So why when we crave time in the Word, do we instead try to satisfy that craving with the things we don’t want? It would be like me eating a cough drop from my cupboard because I don’t have the chocolate I crave. It gives me something to eat, but certainly isn’t the same. When we crave Jesus, why do we busy ourselves with things that don’t satisfy that craving?

 Sometimes things around us seem to be falling apart or just simply not quite right. We might feel frustrated for no reason. We might feel like we are missing something. When we feel like this, it’s most likely that we tried to satisfy our chocolate-like Jesus-craving with one of the “cough drops in my cupboard” instead of savoring what we really need: time with Him.  

How have you been satisfying your Jesus cravings? Tell me in the comments below 


Bible Journaling Prompts

Apply what you’ve learned

***If you are new to Gathered & Sown and Bible journaling, watch this short video first***
♡ God tells us again and again that He can satisfy our hunger and quench our thirst. Read each in your Bible and write the words of each verse in your journal as a reminder.

  1.  Revelation 22:17
  2.  John 4:14
  3.  John 7:37-38
  4.  Psalm 63:1
  5.  Isaiah 55:1-2

 ♡ In your journal, write out some of the things that you have used to satisfy your Jesus Cravings. Make one column that tells you good ways that you use to satisfy the cravings (prayer, devotionals, small group, church etc.) In the other column, write out things that you find yourself doing when you should be spending time with God instead. What is standing in your way?  ♡ Want to find a simple way to make Bible study a part of your everyday routine? Check here, where I lay out 7 easy steps to personal Bible study.  

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12 Responses

  1. I’m currently trying to switch shifts. (3rd to 2nd) with 3 babies 5 and under, I’ve honestly been too tired to do anything. I say Ivll read my bible, attend church, ect.
    And I’m just too tired.

    1. Do you have the YouVersion Bible App or something similar? You could try listening to the Bible while you’re going back and forth to work. Even if it’s a short commute, it’s a way to start incorporating His Word into your routine. Praying that you are able to get the rest you need to care for yourself and your family.

    2. Life tends to like to get in the way of our relationship with God. The enemy LOVES seeing us too tired to spend time resting in Jesus Christ! I remember those toddler days, and it’s exhausting, especially when you are working while they sleep! But this is a season. Maybe try to bring your Bible in your car, leave it on the passenger set. Pick a book of the Bible, and each morning before you leave the parking lot to go home, read one chapter. It won’t take more than 5 minutes, but will send you home in a more grounded and prayerful way. You will naturally use that drive back to your house thinking about what you read instead of the troubles of work/home. You can pray while you drive.

      Just try it for a week, let me know how it goes!! Hang in there, friend ♥️

  2. I’ve been going through Lysa Terkeurst’s Made to Crave book, and I had a similar revelation a couple weeks ago. Sometimes when I’m having a particularly rough day at work, I’ll think to myself, man, I need a drink. But then I’m like, no, I don’t want to be the type of person that has to have a drink to be okay with how my day went. On the other hand, when I get home, I don’t hesitate to reach for that chocolate bar or tub of ice cream to help me feel better. There’s no stigma attached to ice cream/chocolate like there often is to alcohol, but it’s still not what I should be relying on when times are tough.

    1. Brittney, it’s so hard!! Why do we like to reward ourselves with things that only hurt us?!?!? I am the same way. I had a long day yesterday and decided to have ice cream last night. I like ice cream and do eat it, but I know I can’t eat much after dinner, especially ice cream! I wake up with bad pain in my stomach everytime I do it. Yet I did it anyways. Guess what I’m drinking now? Ginger tea. It still hurts 24 hours later!

      I think we can allow ourselves a little treat now and then for a job well done or to find comfort. We just need to recognize when we are trying to fill the hole in our hearts with “things” when what our hearts truly crave and need is time with God. So when you find yourself reaching for a drink, grab your Bible first. Take a drink of God’s Word for a few minutes and see if you need that drink. Chances are, you won’t ☺️And then you can reward yourself with a nice piece of rich, dark chocolate to celebrate!!

  3. I love this analogy! When I crave dark chocolate that’s all I want! Gasp, I have even tried substituting fresh fruit for it. Didn’t satisfy. I can’t count how many times I’ve been hungry for time with the Lord and substituted something good (like busy work at church or reading devotionals), when I should been in God’s word – being stand listening for him. I think I must be on the go, go, go. But really the dark chocolate is about being quiet.

    Thanks for this great post and reminder that only God can satisfy.

    1. Julie,
      You get it!!! Being still seems so difficult…until you don’t do it and realize how much you physically and spiritually need it. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  4. Oh, am I ever guilty of this. I do let all the little distractions of life get in the way. Recently, I have found a love for journaling in my Bible, which has led me to reading more scripture. This has all inspired me to create a new collection of scripture based products. Because of the journaling, I’ve found Jesus making his way into my every day Life.

    1. DiEtte, you and I are so much alike!! This huge shift in Gathered & Sown this year has been a deeply personal decision to make God’s Word more central in my own life. As a result, my business has changed to reflect God and what He continues to work in me every day ♥️ I love seeing Him work through you!! Could you share your website here for the others reading? I’m sure they’d love to check you out!

  5. Hmm.. you are so spot on.. I’ve been lacking in my wanting to spend time with Him.. I think it has a lot to do with feeling down but I know it’s not an excuse.. ?

    1. And it’s hard, because often when we get into the Word, we see a reflection of who we are, and that can be super humbling!! But that’s why I love getting into the Bible, I learn so much about who God is creating me to be in Him, I’m always amazed at how He talks directly to me through the Word. Just start small, even just committing 5 minutes a day to a short passage is great! You’ll find your 5 minutes will turn into 15 or 20 really easy. And before you know it, you are craving it even more the next day!