Hey there! Hello!!! I’ve missed you!!
For more than one year I faithfully posted here every single week. I was searching out God’s Word, and prayerfully posting here. Not because I wanted website visits and sales (although, they do help!) but because knowing that people like you were counting on me showing up.
I’d get emails every week with people pouring their hearts out to me and asking for prayer, and I happily responded and prayed for each person who reached out. Giving myself this deadline of posting every week held me accountable and it strengthened my own faith.
But here I am, it’s been a few months, and I feel like I need to be transparent about why.
This part of my website is a place where I’ve always felt that I can be honest and can share my heart because I know from the response that I get that truth resonates. And today will be no different. I’ve sort of been afraid to share this, but I need to you know that we all go through stuff. We all have times that test our faith. But that doesn’t mean that God gives up on us.
Over the last six months or so, I’ve found myself in a place of doubt. Not my faith, I don’t feel like I ever doubted who God is or what He has promised me. But myself.
I felt like a hypocrite.
Here I was, posting every week about reading your Bible, sharing your faith, praying and finding peace in Jesus Christ. But at the end of the day, I felt like as a parent, I was a failure.
Friends, I’m going to tell you, having teenagers is not for the faint of heart. Finding who you are as your kids grow away from you is something no one prepared me for! And I’ll admit, I’ve had a lot of “woe is me” moments where I questioned why I couldn’t have a Mom of my own to go to during this time.
As I’m navigating this phase of life, I feel like I was making more mistakes than anything, and I felt almost like I had no business jumping online and sharing positive affirmations when I felt like a hot mess.
But as often as the sun sets and rises, God’s grace always shows up.
I’m still a hot-mama mess, but I’m accepting that it’s ok. God has sent some beautiful women into my life in the past few months to remind me that I’m not alone in this! But more than anything, I’ve began seeking my value in Him again, and I’m slowly starting to unwind out of the spiral of self-doubt and remember that He created me with intentional purpose.
So here I am. Humbly reminding you that we can’t always have it all together. That when you are having a bad day, or even a bad year, you aren’t alone! When doubt and self-loathing tempt to turn your face from the One who loves you just as you are (as He created you to be!) remember that that is only the enemy trying to pull you away.
Don’t let Him.
You might have to force it, but when you don’t feel like it, it’s more important than ever:
- Read your Bible
- Pray often about everything
- When you can’t pray, ask others to lift you up
- Write down your thoughts, good and bad, in a journal
- Surround yourself with people who will remind you of the truth
- Don’t be afraid to be a little vulnerable with someone.
The last one is probably the most difficult. But I’ve found that when I share just a tiny little bit of what I’m feeling and humbly admit that I’m a little lost, I’ve discovered that 9 times out of 10, the person I’m talking to feels just the same way. We are just all too afraid to admit it!
I want to close today with some beautiful words that Paul shared with the Romans. Look at the language he uses: Faith. Peace. Grace. Hope. Perseverance. Character.
These words don’t describe a hopeless and empty existence. These words don’t describe who I feel I am sometimes. But they serve as an important reminder and promise that God uses this stuff. Just because you don’t look all shiney and polished on the outside right now, His promises are still coming.
So go ahead and feel what you are feeling. Just don’t hide. (If you need a place, I do have a private facebook group which is a safe place to ask for prayer, pray for others and grow your faith. Click here to join us!)
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.
And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
Romans 5:1-5
Gathered & Sown

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Hi Angie,
I have missed reading your devotionals. This is really good. We discussed some of these exact things at Bible study tonight. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable with fellow believers, and realizing we don’t have to be perfect. You have so many good points above!
God’s Shalom on you and blessings on you and your family
I’m a 65 y.o. mom of a 19 y.o. daughter and let me tell you parenting her is 2x as hard as parenting her now 26 y.o. brother. Feeling a failure on all fronts at at times I will admit, I just give up. Yes it’s wrong but it’s all I can think of doing. I could go on and on on this subject but suffice it to say mamma is feeling like this is how life will be and I’m just tired
This is rough. I was talking to a good friend this morning and we talked about how when your kids are little, there are a million ways to find support. Playgroups, music classes, storytime. Pre-school functions, Mom’s groups. The list goes on and on. But as our kids get older, we lost the co-Mom’s that we had when our kids were younger. So we often feel isolated and lonely. It’s easy to doubt ourselves in this season of life. It can sometimes feel like all of the other parents have it so together, but at home, I can feel like I’m failing and slowly falling apart. But I’m not alone. And you aren’t truly alone. I’ll be praying that you can find someone to confide in and be encouraged by. Someone who won’t judge you as a parent based on how your child is acting.
I’m so sorry you are going through this, and thank you for reaching out!
Good to hear from you. Yes life gives us ups & downs. Trying to get my body to feel better(siatic nerve). Sending prayers for everyone ?
I’m sure this weather doesn’t help! Stay safe and I hope you feel better soon. I always love hearing from you, so thank you for posting here!
Thank you for this! ❤️
You are so welcome! Thank you for faithfully showing up and reading my stuff. I appreciate that!
Ohhhhh Girl! “Parenting teens is not for the faint of heart.” No truer words!!! You know I’m in the same season and can definitely relate!! The things we’re going through may not be exactly the same, but know I’m here. You’re never alone!!! Hugs!!!
I know you understand!! Thank you so much for your encouragement. I appreciate you so much!