Knowing God’s love while raising your kids

Tonight in a parenting moment of desperation, I texted my sister to tell her that I am a failure as a parent to teen girls. The highlights of this coversation included: This gig is too hard sometimes. They just think everything I say and do is stupid. They hang up on me and disrespect me […]
How do you satisfy the hunger you have for God’s Word?

I have a problem. A SERIOUS chocolate problem. Put me in a room with a plate of cookies or a dark chocolate bar, only one of us is leaving that room. I crave chocolate, I savor it. I take tiny bites when I eat it so that I can enjoy the bittersweet flavor for as […]
How often do you read your Bible?

This week I spent my entire day on Friday with my nose in my Bible. I don’t get to do this every day, but every once in a while, thanks to this blessing that is called Gathered & Sown, I get to dedicate an entire work day to seeking God’s face, digging through His Word […]
Tithes and Offerings: A Mini Bible Journaling Study

Tithing can conjure up some mixed feelings. Some of your feelings may be valid, but some of your feelings about giving back to God may actually be leading you further away from Him and what He has for you! You may feel that tithing is a duty, something they are obligated to do to belong […]
You are not alone, friend!

If you found this post through my weekly email, I’m so glad you are here! As I went back and forth debating in my head whether or not I should try posting directly on the blog, God put these words from Ecclesiastes in front of me. Two are better than one, because they have a […]
Gaining God’s Favor makes life easy, right? Wrong…
The favor of God. That HAS to be a wonderful thing! Knowing that the God of the Heavens who has created everything and knows both history and the future has placed His favor on YOU! There may come a time in your life where you will realize that God has intentionally chosen you to play […]
What will your heavenly crown look like?
As we are inching closer and closer to Christmas, I’ve been spending some personal time focusing not only on Jesus birth as we traditionally do, but I’ve found myself fascinated by His King-ness as we celebrate the season. I do love the story of Jesus as a newborn baby, and I understand the deep importance […]
Can you imagine the Angels singing?
This morning in worship, we sang the Revelation song. It’s an oldie, but a goodie! As soon as I heard the first chord progression, I thought to myself “Oh great…here we go, I’m going to cry in church this morning” But in this case, it’s a good thing. The fact that this song, after hearing […]
Are you believing the lies?
I received a really nice card in the mail this week that had this written on the front: “You are loved by God- Higher than the sky… Deeper than the ocean… More than you can imagine… More than you’ve ever dared to dream.” Last week after I shared with you how self-conscious I am about […]
Why do I hate the way I look? Is beauty really within?
Why do we as women love to hate ourselves? Why are we so quick to judge the body and features God gave us? The people in my life who know me well, know that I am a woman who wears makeup. Not a thick, heavy face. But I enjoy brightening up my appearance and have […]
God’s Handwritten Letter to You
Are you old fashioned like me? Like..I totally geek out over the stationary aisle at the store, all of the paper…THE PENS! And don’t even get me started on the awesome smell of a bookstore! There is something so wonderful about the smell of new books and paper. It’s a little bit heavenly! I love […]
Where is God when things are going wrong?

This afternoon, my husband and I took a long drive out in the country. We were only about 4-5 miles from our house, but I was struck by the number of trees I was seeing! Right now in WI, we are almost at the beautiful peak of the vibrant fall colors. As we drove and […]
Does your attitude reflect God’s goodness?
I just learned a humdinger of a lesson from God’s Word today and am so excited to share it with you! (I have been waiting for an occasion to use that word, and now I’m happy… I feel like my Grandpa ) Have you ever stopped to think about the effect that your attitude has […]
7 Steps to Finding Quiet Time with God
Do you spend regular time in the Word? How can you hear from God if you don’t slow down long enough to listen to Him? I have a pretty big question to ask you. Do you crave more? And if you crave more in your life than you currently have, where are you looking for it? • In […]
When God gives you what you didn’t even ask for – His grace in unanswered prayer
Do you ever pray, not knowing what to ask God for? Or what happens when instead of answering your request, He gives you something else? Here is a hint: He knows better than you, and that’s a good thing! I just got done looking at yet another thing that my 13 year old daughter wanted to show […]
How to find the peace that only God can give
Have you ever stumbled upon a feeling of peace that didn’t make sense? Where everyone around you is in awe of the peace you display in a troubling situation? That’s God’s peace. It’s supernatural…and real! I don’t know if you read my posts regularly, but if you do, you’ll know that I’ve been riding a […]
How one day a week will shift your entire mindset
Do you set aside one day a week for God? Do you seek one day of rest like He did? Do you love Sundays as much as I do? I don’t know about you, but I protect Sunday fiercely. Not only is it the one day a week where I get to gather with other […]
Do some people drive you crazy? How can we love the unlovable?
Romans 15:2 says “Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. I live in what is seriously the BEST neighborhood in the whole, wide world. Seriously. THE BEST! I’m surrounded by some of the nicest people on an old block of houses built in the 1920’s. Artie and Nancy […]
Good parenting moment: When your kid catches you lying ?♀️

Let me start with a little story…. School started for my girls and a new school year means one thing when you have teens. New shoes. (Of course!!) Since we have two teen girls, we have to be super mindful of our budget or it will quickly get out of control buying shoes and clothes, […]
Admitting when you’re wrong

Can I ask you a personal question? When is the last time you had a good old prayer of confession? And I’m not talking about a formal prayer, I’m talking about a soul-bearing, gut-wrenching raw prayer when you realize that you’ve done something terribly wrong. A prayer that you wouldn’t want anyone else but God […]
Check your heart, know the truth

My oldest, Chloe got her learners permit and started DRIVING! Talk about fear! That first ride in the passenger seat while my baby took mine and her younger sisters life in her hands was a moment that taught me a lot about patience and giving up control! But I’m so happy for her. I remember […]
How to boldly wear black this fall

I sort of feel like black has gotten a reputation for being a winter color. Summer is all about pastels. Rich, warm tones are all the rage in fall. So how do we change our thinking to include this versatile color in a way that doesn’t feel too “heavy” for the season? How to we […]
Does prayer really matter?

Recently one of my friends was down and out with a horrible gastro-type flu. We were supposed to have lunch that day, so I got a very short text from her. It read something like this “I’ve been up since 1:30 am, too sick for lunch” I knew the lack of words meant that she […]
In Remembrance

A few weeks ago I wrote to you about mothers day. I shared a little bit of my story and how I lost my own Mother at a young age. I also gave you a little assignment to help you dig deeper. That post was difficult for me to write, and when I wrote that, […]
When Mothers Day Hurts
Last week, we talked about knowing God’s plan for us, seeking His will and following, even when it doesn’t necessarily “feel” right or match our own plans. It’s tough to do, isn’t it?!?! I hope you were able to take a little time, answer the three questions at the bottom, read your bible, and really […]
Date Night Essentials Giveaway

Do you need a date night? Are you itching to get dressed up and enjoy a night away? Whether you grab your best friend and hit a movie, or your honey for a romantic dinner, we want to give you all that you’ll need to feel like a million bucks on your night out. We’ve […]
Travelers Notebook for Bible Journaling

So you got your new travelers notebook, filled with some crisp, pretty notebooks? Now what do you want to do with it? You’ve got a desk full of bible journaling tools, but how can you journal on the go? You have a planner to keep track of appointments, meal planning, lists and even your workouts. […]
Travelers Notebooks Coming Soon

I announced last week that The travelers notebook collection goes live on May 25th. If you have no idea what a travelers notebook is, I made a little Facebook Live video giving a quick explanation. There is nothing more nerve wracking than doing these live videos, but I love this way of interacting in real time with […]
Bible Journaling Inspiration

I’ve been in a funk. Have you ever been there? You know, the place where nothing feels right, but yet nothing is really wrong???? That place where I’ll laugh one minute, but then start to cry for no reason. And I’m not talking about PMS… I’m talking about when I let too much time and […]
What makes my bible and planner covers SO special?
I’m not usually the most tech savvy person….as a matter of fact, my family likes to joke around that I’m plain CURSED when it comes to anything electronic! Running my own business means that a vast majority of my time is spent on either my laptop or phone, trying to find ways to get my […]